Under direction of the thoughts of universal excise and the objection of promoting the archery and its culture, APCC will hold a field archery open tournament for national archery teams and archery clubs in Beijing in October, 2016.
Sponsoring Organization:
APCC Archery Promotion Council of China
Executive Organization:
Beijing JSK Field Archery Club
Assistance organization:
Join Archery (Shanghai) ltd., corporation
Time: October 28-30, Friday-Sunday), 2016
Court: Beijing JSK Field Archery Club, Hongling Country, Qiaozhi Town, Huairou Area, Beijing
Items: Recurve, Compound and barebow
1 Invitational competition organization: domestic archery teams or the clubs.
2 Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan archery clubs
1 Competition athlete must hold effective certificate (ID card or passport)
2 In order to guarantee the fairness of the competition, people who have specialized in professional training of Recurve are only allowed to join the Compound, conventional bow and barebow.
Beijing field competition includes cam with unmarked course round marked course round, individual elimination event and mixed bow team elimination event (recurve one people, compound one people and barebow one people).
Unmarked course
The number of the targets:
12 targets each unit at least- at most |
Diameter of the target face in the field archery
(cm) |
Distance (meter) | ||
Yellow peg
barebow |
Blue peg
recurve |
Red peg
compound |
2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 |
Ф40 Ф60 Ф80 Ф100 |
5-10 10-15 15-25 20-35 |
10-20 15-30 30-45 |
15-25 20-35 35-55 |
Marked course
The number of the targets:
12 targets each unit at least- at most |
Diameter of the target face in the field archery
(cm) |
Distance (meter) | ||
Yellow peg
barebow |
Blue peg
recurve |
Red peg
compound |
3 3 3 3 |
Ф40 Ф60 Ф80 Ф100 |
5-10-15 10-15-20 20-25-30 30-35-40 |
15-20-25 30-3540 40-45-50 |
20-25-30 35-40-45 50-55-60 |
1 Mixed recurve unmarked course, (12-16 targets) + marked course, (12-16 targets) + elimination event (4 targets) + mixed bow team elimination (4 targets)
2 Mixed compound unmarked course, (12-16 targets) + marked course, (12-16 targets) + elimination event (4 targets) + mixed bow team elimination (4 targets)
3 Mixed barebow unmarked course, (12-16 targets) + marked course, (12-16 targets) + elimination event (4 targets) + mixed bow team elimination (4 targets)
Remarks: Due to the limit of time and court, compound athletes in this competition will limit 50 athletes to participate. Recurve athletes in this competition will limit 25 athletes to participate. Barebow athletes in this competition will limit 50 athletes to participate.
Ⅳ Competition equipment
1 In the competition unmarked course, distance-estimating equipment and thumb estimating measure are not permitted. If they use distance-estimating equipment, their result of shooting will be forfeited. If they use thumb estimating measure, the judge will show a yellow plate, if they do it again, their result of shooting will be forfeited.
2 Athlete shot first shall not tell the distance to the second shooter.
3 In the ranking competition, every end is divided into ABCD. First target is for AB, and then for CD. Second target is for CD and then for AB. And so on.
4 In the ranking competition, every athlete shoots 3 arrows without practice shooting. 120 seconds is competition time.
5 In the individual elimination competition, every athlete shoots 3 arrows without practice shooting. 120 seconds is competition time. The first 16th athletes enter into elimination event.
6 Mixed bow team elimination event (recurve one people, compound one people and barebow one people). In every target, every athlete shoots 2 arrows and one team 6 arrows without practice shooting. 120 seconds is competition time. The first 8th teams enter into elimination event.
Remarks: A bow of any type provided it complies with the common meaning of the word “bow” as used in target archery, that is, an instrument consisting of a handle, riser (no shoot-through type) and two flexible limbs each ending in a tip with a string nock. The bow is braced for use by a single string attached directly between the two string nocks, and in operation is held in one hand by its handle while the fingers of other hand draw and release the string. Therefore, except for arrow rest, barebow shall not have any accessory without including protrusion equipment, aiming mark, blemish or laminate piece (in the scope of bow window). The bow unsnatched string (includes allowed accessories) must can get through the round hole or quoit that radius that is 12.2 centimeters (the error is 0.5 millimeter).
Ⅴ Participation Measures
1 Every participation unit can apply for one leader, one coach, one doctor. But the number of the participation athletes is not limited. Every athlete need to 200 yuan competition fee, 150 yuan registration fee and 10 yuan personal accident insurance.
2 In every event, if a competition unit can offer recurve one people, compound one people and barebow one people, they can apply for team competition. The registration fee is 200 yuan every team. Team registration ensure and pay the registration fee in the before-competition team leader meeting.
Ⅵ The arrangements of field lunch and accommodation
Please download the application form
Ⅶ Competition measure
1 This competition carries out the rule of APCC archery competition 2016.
2 The coach, athletes of every competition must wear the same costume to compete.
3 In the competition, athlete is not allowed to report falsely ring point. If it is found, the qualification and the competition result of the athlete will be canceled. Respective target site supervise each other to record ring point of the competition(target site A reports the ring point, B records and calculates the ring point, C supervises each other and D checks the ring point).
4 Compound, recurve and barebow individual elimination round adopt 4 targets to accumulate the ring value.
5 Mixed bow team elimination round (recurve one people, compound one people and barebow one people) adopt 4 targets to accumulate the ring value.
Ⅷ Ranking and award
This competition regards competition fee as award. More athlete, higher award.
1 Award measures in every kind of bow: http://apccarchery.org.cn/p/2016/1463.html
2 The first three in every event every group will be awarded trophy cup, medal, and certificate (Team will not be awarded money)
3 Every ranking award certificates of merit for the first eight, the medals for the first three. We do not set the prize money.
Ⅸ Registration and report
1 Registration form must adopt the attached form, and fill into the content following the requirements.
2 The information of the competition athlete must be the same as the effective certificate. Otherwise, the competition qualification will be canceled, and the registration fee and competition fee will not be returned.
3 Every competition unit and individual must E-mail the registration form to apcc@archerysports.org before 17:00,October 21 (Friday), 2016. What is more, they must transfer the registration fee and competition fee to the designated account:
Account name: zhongjie
Account Bank:Construction Bank,the branch of quxi Road, Shanghai.
Account: 6222801217991000576
4 Deadline to registration is before 17:00,October 21 (Friday), 2016. We regard receiving the eligible registration and fee regards as successful registration. Delay registration will be lost the competition qualification.
5 Give up after registration (includes team and individual), and the fee will not be returned. Changing the athlete, they need to pay 150 yuan each people or team to committee.
Ⅹ Contact way
E-mail: apcc@archerysports.org
Zhongjie 18601705151(APCC)
Ⅺ Dos and don’ts
This competition use electron stopwatch, scores indicator equipment and target that are checked by National quality-control center of sport equipment and the China Archery. Competition athlete is not allowed to use compound over 60 pounds and the hunting arrow. It is not allowed to smoke, litter, and sound in the competition field.
2016 APCC Beijing Field Archery Committee
Download the Application Form of Beijing Field Archery Competition