Hosting the event is a hard work to check out the compound service ability and the executive ability. The successful event shall input the capital, hardware and software guarantee and the medium publicity, judge and the competition, audience service, safe operation and so on. Hosting event by single association and little team will be harder. APCC aims to decrease or partake the hosting cost, attract the investment, increase the publicity and cooperate with two-win. Therefore, we make the executive advises of the commercial archery competition. (Throw away a brick in order to get a gem and ask everyone to think about it).
Ⅰ The schedule arrangement of the standard competition
1 Set up the recurve, compound, barebow and conventional event (indoor and outdoor target event, field target event and special barebow) and stipulate the competition event item and shooting distance according to the international archery federation rules.
2 Set up the high, middle and elementary council event staff and the relevant standard. Have them clear the aim of joining the competition and get the appreciation.
3 We don’t encourage compete for the decent prize money. We will build up the fair result-approving system and the result ranking. The council should host the elite event with relevant application as the annual important event. Select the excellent shooters whose result is ahead to compete, promoting by the hot spot and the elite event.
Ⅱ Attract the capital to assist hosting.
1 Make full use of the resources linked to the competition and advertisement effect. Set up the relevant public price, attract the investor, and let them join the publicity and purchase. Accept the archery operation field that need to promote, archery product seller and the cooperation partner who have the advertisement requirement.
2 The use of the competition resources:
2.1 Naming right: both cooperators can set the naming event as “APCC XX year XX Cup archery championship”, participate in the theme publicity, medium release, council publication printing, souvenir and the dispatching of the designated commodity.
2.2 Field stall: Set by the host according to the size and attention of the competition, whose stall fee will be assigned by discussion (suggest some percent of the revenue as the prize money of the annual event)
2.3 The main anti-sun umbrella of the field stall: hand over to the organization that is willing to pay and buy the 3*3 meter flexible umbrella. Except for the space for the designated print by host, you can print the legal publicity theme alone. They can be used in the stall of the field. (The effective time limit should discuss with the participating partner)
2.4 Field anti-sun umbrella: The operating way is like last item. This behavior can store the hardware in the stuff way. They can be use next event to improve the material-use rate.
2.5 Field judge anti-sun umbrella: put on the center of the field, that can be wrapped together or alone.
2.6 The dress: tailor unifiedly vests of the judge, work staff, lensman, cameraman, reporter and security. The competition management department decides the color and mark. The rest will be charged by the investor. The host will discuss with the participating partner about the use time limit.
2.7 The number note of the athletes: the competition department decides the necessary size, content and publicity. Receive the all year event tailoring and single tailoring.
2.8 The target palte, the space of light equipment and so on. The use space can be interrupted by stuff or capital of the participating partner.
Ⅲ Strict event management
1 Event management is important element to check the event. The good event shall have strict management system. If decrease the management in order to attract the attention, it will do big harm. Strict judge system, professional judge, fair competition platform, true result record all spring from the regulated event management. This part need the discussion by the all staff.
2 If the judge and work staff that have been trained and qualification break the rules, they will be handled by the council.
3 If individual or team break the rule or make a false result, they will be issued as well as waning, disqualification and retirement.
4 If the businessman break the morality, cheat and make the bad-cycle competition, they will get the waring, issuing and driving out.
5 If the host is not responsible or the executive partner has the security problem, their cooperation aim of the event will be rechecked.