
APCC Archery Promotion Council of China

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Archery Promotion Council of China APCC Self-discipline Pact (draft)

Archery Promotion Council of China APCC Self-discipline Pact (draft)

Ⅰ General Rules

1 Started by Huadong Archery, it aims to connect every participating unit, form archery sport promotion federation, built the standard archery system, improve the communication and share the resource. Set up the Council to manage the operation. Set up the self-discipline to regulate the way of promoting archery and operate safely in order.

2 APCC plans to form the nonprofit sport social team. Promote the archery according to the direction of national business organization, provided comply with the national rules.

This council connects national archery unit and archer and forms the professional social archery team volunteerly. It is a nonprofit social organization to develop sport, promote national people excise and the archery sport.

3 The aim of the council is comply with the laws and rule, carry out the sport law of People’s Republic of China, abide by social morality; connect the national archery fan, promote and develop the archery, improve the national people excise and boost the socialism material and spirit civilization, strengthen the cooperation between the members in APCC, comply with the business pact, organize the archery sport safely, build the professional event and increase the communication.

4 APCC comply with the law and rule of International Archery Federation

5 APCC’s start unit is Huadong Archery. Receive the application of from participating unit and operate in regulate with self-discipline. Administrative council is the decision organization. The council will form field nonprofit local sport organization, operate according to the national law and receive the supervision.

6 The address of administrative organization for the council is in Hangzhou, plan two build two inside qq group and issue the information through Field Archery Forum.

Ⅱ Business Scope

7 business scope of this council

7.1 Encourage and develop the archery sport in the national scope.

7.2 Research and set the APCC plan and the management pact.

7.3 Organize the archery communication, area archery competition, international archery competition.

7.4 Comply with the rule of international archery federation, APCC hosts the archery competition, train the Judge, builds up the resource management system and the event operation system.

7.5 Set up the council management system, develop the information management of form unit and issue the information.

7.6 Build the information platform for the council to certificate the event, set the star standard for judge, found the competition result recording, establish the area communicative competition and build the result ranking only belong to the council.

7.7 Strengthen the contact with the business unit, tidy and issue the academe information of archery sport and set up the council publication.

7.8 Organize the news release of archery sport, boost the promotion of public media

and improve the archery sport universally.

Ⅲ Organization structure

8 Staff in the council

8.1 Head Secretary (1) president (1). Check, approve, decide and manage the council.

8.2 Administrative council (7). Discuss, vote, receive suggestion and management the affair.

8.3 Member of the council (form unit representative). Total council meeting takes a vote and suggests to the administrative council.

8.4 Member (normal form unit member)

9 Operation organization in council

9.1 Administrative council (head secretary one people and administrative member of council including president 8 people)

9.2 Head secretary in council (depend on the hosting unit)

9.3 Competition committee (director of hosting unit, director of executive organization)

10 Function Authorities

10.1 Council president: voted from the member of the council, the term is 1 year.

Work duty: In the term, plan the direction of the work, check and approve the bumf or decision and start the meeting provided that it does not break the tenet of the council. Host the meeting of the administration council and deal with the relative outside affair on behalf of the council. After president transition, he will work as administration member of council in next year.

10.2 Council general secretary: nominated by the administration council, voted by the general council meeting, the term is two years.

Work duty: arrange the operation work, direct the daily affair of the council, start the meeting, check the issue of the bumf, financial operation with the all duty to the daily work. After president transition, he will work as administration member of council in next year.

10.3 Administration member of the council: voted by the general council meeting, total 8 people (including the president) and the term is one year.

Work duty: responsible of the daily affair, have the right to know all kinds of inside work, receive the all kinds of job arranged by the administration meeting, accept the complain and suggestion from council unit, hand in the work proposal to the secretariat and have the right of the decision of the administration meeting.

10.4 Member of the council: every form unit has one quota of the member of the council, who is designated by its unit. His term is decided by its term. If the unit wants to change its member of the council, it can hand in the written report to the secretariat and the secretariat register and change after the decision of the meeting.

Work duty: elected right and the vote right of the general council meeting, as the first charger of the form unit, receive the work direction of the council, suggest and complain to the administration council, promote the self-discipline and organize the operation work of the unit.

11 executive organiration and its duty:

11.1 Secretariat: receive and pass the bumf, note the administration meeting record, make the draft of the decision of the administration meeting.

Tidy the information of the member and issue the information.

Organize the affair, communicate the affair, capital use and the purchase.

11.2 Competition committee: receive the invitation of the event and first check, hand in to the administration council to check, assist in hosting the event.

11.3 Financial department: responsible for the operation of the inside capital, report to the administration council about the condition of the capital use and accept the supervision of the administration council.

11.4 Public relation department: outside publicity, promote the item, issue the information, operate the revenue and attract the business man to invest.

Ⅳ Right and duty of the member

12 This council regards the registration archery association and the archery club as the team member. Normal registration member has the qualification of the council member.

13 the team members want to enter into the council, they shall fit into the requirements as below:

13.1 comply with the nation law and the council rules to host the archery activities.

13.2 promote the archery sport, have the experience of operating the archery sport, and become the formal member.

13.3 develop the archery sport and willing to specialize in the teaching, judge and the competition.

13.4 have the influence in the technology, academe communication and the public area.

14 the process of entering into APCC:

14.1 hand in the application paper provided the archery unit and the operation unit are the legal personality.

14.2 If the administration council check and pass, sign the form appreciation paper, you can become the formal form team to participate the council affair.

14.3 become the formal member team, hand in the list of the registration people and have one quota of the member of the council.

15 the right for the form member unit:

15.1 designated agent has the electing right, elected right and the decision right.

15.2 share the various resources, participate in the archery event on behalf of the council.

15.3 get the priority right of serve from the council.

15.4 the right of comment, suggestion and supervision.

15.5 registration and retirement of the council is volunteer.

16 the duty of the form member unit:

16.1 carry on the decision of the council.

16.2 protect the rational right of the council.

16.3 finish the work assigned by the council.

16.4 pay the council fee according to the regulation.

16.5 reflect the affair to the administration council and offer the data.

17 if the form unit retires, he needs to hand in the written notification to the administration council and do well the transition work.

18 if the form unit does not pay the council fee in time and participate in the association activity, the qualification of the member will be canceled.

19 if the member breaks the self-discipline severely, do great harm of the reputation and the economic to the council, passed by the decision of the administration council, his qualification of the member will be canceled.

20 If the member, unit or the social people do the great contribution to the council, archery career, they can act as consultant and the reputation title after passing from the administration council. The term depends.

21 The council forms the judge group and carries out the judge star system.

22 The training and management of the judge of the council.

22.1 Qualification: selected by form unit or recommended by competition committee. Love archery career and willing to be judge.

22.2 Through training and examination, they can become the registration judge, act as the executive judge designated by the competition committee.

22.3 registration judge gets the related rank according to the performance and enjoy the same service.

22.4 The process of the rank-estimating for judge.

22.4.1 People participate in three event, and gets the first eight place and then he has the qualification of training of judge.

22.4.2 After training he can duty-participate in the event work as the internship judge. After internship for two times, he can upgrade to star one judge.

22.4.3 The judge goes to relevant post according to their star ranking.

22.4.4 If the wrong judge happens in the executive process, he will be got the punishment of demotion or suspension.

22.5 Judge rank and its treatment:

Internship judge: Selected by distance convenience, without payment, free accommodation.

Star one judge: bear their own transport expense, 100 yuan a day, free accommodation, act as the title except for the final execution.

Star two judge: bear their own transport expense, 200 yuan a day, free accommodation, act as the internship title of the final and execution station.

Star three judge: bear their own transport expense, 300 yuan a day, free accommodation, act as the title of all executive station.

Star four judge: bear their own transport expense, 400 yuan a day, free accommodation, act as the title of all executive station and the internship head judge.

Star five judge: bear their own transport expense, 500 yuan a day, free accommodation, act as the title of all executive station and the head judge.

Ⅴ Capital management and use rules:

23 The association fee from:

23.1 Council fee: form member unit should pay the council fee every year.

23.2 Donation: this council receives the social capital, relevant equipment and material.

23.3. Individual and unit sponsor: this council receive the sponsor or assist of archery individual and unit.

23.4 Government donation.

23.5 The revenue of the activity and the service.

23.6 Interest

23.7 Other legal revenue.

24 The council is used for the business in the stipulation and the career development, without assignment in the members.

25 The council set up the financial management system to ensure the legal, truth and complement of the accountant.

26 This council offers the account staff with the professional qualification. The accountant shall not serve concurrently as the cashier. The accountant shall calculate the account and supervise the account. When the accountant makes a transition or retirement, he shall make the procedure with the staff.

27 The capital management of the council shall receive the supervision from the member representative meeting and relevant unit. Issue the relevant condition to the member unit regularly.

28 Any unit, individual shall not occupy share privately and misuse the asset of the council.

Ⅵ Amend process of the constitution

29 If the constitution needs to be amended, it shall be passed by the committee and checked by the member representative meeting.

30 If the association disband, schism or unites, it shall be stopped by the administration council.

Ⅷ Additional rules

32 The complain right of the pact belongs to the administration council.

33 The execution of the pact starts after the first discussion by the form unit.












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  • 北京康源射箭俱乐部
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  • 江阴金鹰射箭俱乐部
  • 飞卫箭馆
  • 乐山震山河射箭馆
  • 阳明弓道射箭俱乐部
  • Mr.M射箭俱乐部
  • 嘉兴拓域射箭运动俱乐部
  • 哈斯龙射箭馆
  • 济南弓客射箭俱乐部
  • 东营东翎射箭馆
  • 泰州轩辕箭咖射箭俱乐部
  • 蓝水弓正射箭俱乐部
  • 马鞍山悠弦射箭俱乐部
  • 上海红黄蓝射箭俱乐部
  • 逸帆弓箭俱乐部
  • 青岛初心射箭运动俱乐部
  • 温州正德礼射俱乐部
  • 木马人射箭俱乐部
  • 湖北人马座弓箭俱乐部
  • 胶州众羽弓社射箭俱乐部
  • 龙岩鸣风射箭运动俱乐部
  • 君艺射箭俱乐部
  • 烟台市芝罘区射箭运动协会
  • 湖州菰城弓馆射箭俱乐部
  • 长沙市柒弓馆
  • 东莞箭毅射箭俱乐部
  • 苏州问道射箭俱乐部
  • 温岭市射箭运动协会
  • 麓林弓道射箭俱乐部
  • 南宁清弦弓箭俱乐部
  • 北野部落
  • 深圳猎英射箭俱乐部
  • 兰州江湖道场射箭俱乐部
  • 青唐城射箭俱乐部
  • 沈阳1983射箭俱乐部
  • 佛山遇箭射箭俱乐部
  • 北京上绎锋巢射箭俱乐部
  • 鞍山艾克斯射箭俱乐部
  • 广州七胜团箭艺竞技俱乐部
  • 深圳市天骄国际射箭学院
  • 北京爱射箭俱乐部
  • 苏州吴卫射箭俱乐部
  • 柳州市弈弓射箭俱乐部
  • 苏州后羿居射艺俱乐部
  • 南京聚诚之家射箭俱乐部
  • 杭州尚羿城市射箭俱乐部
  • 杭州市弓箭运动协会
  • 福州正心射箭俱乐部
  • 武汉汉风上弦射箭俱乐部
  • 深圳深湾射箭俱乐部
  • 合肥金弓射箭俱乐部
  • 佛山羽箭馆
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  • 秦皇岛穿云射箭俱乐部
  • 上海道顺射箭俱乐部
  • 佛山御风射箭俱乐部
  • 诸暨征奥射箭俱乐部
  • 广东顺德弓道射箭俱乐部
  • 苏州A-1射箭俱乐部
  • 内蒙古呼和浩特市新城区狩猎者射箭馆
  • 西夏弓人射箭俱乐部
  • 武汉博曼射箭俱乐部
  • 重庆六道弓坊射箭俱乐部
  • 上海特弓射箭俱乐部
  • 天津飞羽射箭俱乐部
  • 乐山嘉定弓道射箭俱乐部
  • 北京鼎富射箭俱乐部
  • 广西北海诚弓射箭俱乐部
  • 上海君澍射箭主题俱乐部
  • 北京市通州区射箭运动协会
  • 杭州张弛射箭俱乐部
  • 柳州市柳弓馆射箭俱乐部
  • 天津箭咖射箭俱乐部
  • 海南诚远射箭俱乐部
  • 荆州市三支箭射箭俱乐部
  • 天津竞界射箭俱乐部
  • 武汉正中射箭俱乐部
  • 唐山鸿鹄射箭馆
  • 深圳市绅士射箭俱乐部
  • 贵阳市南明区激速运动馆
  • 阳光假日旗舰生活馆
  • 珠海一心射箭俱乐部
  • 广东省梅州市穿云射箭俱乐部
  • 淄博观德射箭俱乐部
  • G20射箭俱乐部
  • 小恶魔射箭俱乐部
  • 唐山观德射箭俱乐部
  • 包头市安答射箭俱乐部
  • 南京市钟山箭文化传播有限公司
  • 长沙研心弓道场
  • 极限弓战
  • 苏州控弦坊射箭馆
  • 堇山射箭馆
  • 天津拉力射箭俱乐部
  • 河南焦作鹰之眼射箭俱乐部
  • 宁夏速七射箭运动俱乐部
  • 宁夏射箭协会
  • 西安东仪路六号射箭俱乐部
  • 青岛弓道堂射箭运动俱乐部
  • 飞羽休闲射箭俱乐部
  • 双鸭山七星箭馆
  • 镇江金箭射箭俱乐部
  • 辽宁抚顺刺客弓箭俱乐部
  • 洛阳瑞德射箭俱乐部
  • 石家庄石门弓射俱乐部
  • 汕头市锐界射箭俱乐部
  • 唐山鸿鹄志射箭俱乐部
  • 泓尚弓馆
  • 10号弓箭俱乐部
  • 赤壁天狼射箭馆
  • 潍坊曼森弓箭俱乐部
  • 鞍山鹰眼射箭俱乐部
  • 阿波罗射箭馆
  • 赤映山岚射箭中心
  • 拔刀斋
  • 青岛修心射箭俱乐部
  • 张家港飞鹰射箭俱乐部
  • 鹰眼弓箭全国连锁机构
  • 吉林陆玖射箭俱乐部
  • 北京JSK原野射箭俱乐部
  • 秦皇岛穿云射箭俱乐部
  • 浙江省湖州市吴兴区射箭协会
  • 天津上林射艺射箭馆
  • 百盛达射箭俱乐部
  • 常州丘比特射箭俱乐部
  • 山西神羽射箭俱乐部
  • 唐山风影弓箭俱乐部
  • 西安只识弯弓射箭俱乐部
  • 昆明烈羽射箭俱乐部
  • 重庆渝弓射箭运动俱乐部
  • 唐山苍穹射箭运动俱乐部
  • 陕西秦岭长安狩猎场有限公司
  • 广东羽林卫文化传播有限公司
  • 石家庄聚羿射箭俱乐部
  • 武汉仁明弓社射箭俱乐部
  • 墨羽射箭俱乐部
  • 烟台论羽射箭俱乐部
  • 伍箭道弓箭馆
  • 武汉罗宾汉射箭俱乐部
  • 株洲后翌氏射箭俱乐部
  • 弓行者射箭俱乐部
  • 龙岩鸣风射箭馆
  • 一见钟情射箭馆
  • 杭州jackman弓社
  • 八旗射艺俱乐部
  • 运城尚羽射箭俱乐部
  • 天津尚群射箭俱乐部
  • 长安羽林射箭俱乐部
  • 潍坊博曼弓箭俱乐部
  • 鄂尔多斯市乌审旗射箭协会
  • 天目御龙射箭馆
  • 深圳市王牌亚当射箭俱乐部
  • 即墨墨城射箭馆
  • 阿利弓箭射箭馆
  • 成都超羿射箭俱乐部
  • 沈阳未来之翼射箭俱乐部
  • 上海英雄射箭桌球俱乐部
  • CEAT精英射箭运动俱乐部
  • 北京鸣镝射箭俱乐部
  • 风飞体育
  • 深圳市福田区射箭协会
  • 南京国艺弓道
  • 兰州西北射箭俱乐部
  • 上海箭蛙体育器材有限公司
  • 遵义龙骑兵射箭俱乐部
  • 福建弓友部落
  • 深圳飞鸿射艺俱乐部
  • 连云港千羽射箭俱乐部
  • 台州搏羿射箭俱乐部
  • 黄石奥格斯特射箭俱乐部
  • 弓兵射箭俱乐部
  • 射箭吧兄弟
  • 常州胜利弓会
  • 青岛千羽射箭运动俱乐部
  • 济宁泗水千羽射箭俱乐部
  • 苏尔沁射箭俱乐部
  • 精灵公会射箭弓场
  • 唐山奥羿射箭俱乐部
  • 青岛星辰射羿运动俱乐部
  • 上海ATC射箭俱乐部
  • 苏州劲羽射箭俱乐部
  • 兰州黑木崖弓箭俱乐部
  • 塞尚弓成射箭俱乐部
  • 北京大森林射箭俱乐部
  • 上海博赛射箭俱乐部
  • 重庆弓箭俱乐部
  • 昆明箭客俱乐部
  • 银川市龙腾射箭俱乐部
  • 长春八羿弓汇
  • 南京荣燿后羿射箭俱乐部
  • 旭峰射箭俱乐部
  • 江西箭桥射箭馆
  • 城羿尚羽射箭俱乐部
  • 北京峰尚射箭俱乐部
  • 邯郸弓箭手射箭俱乐部
  • 猎鹰射箭俱乐部
  • 北京弓人射箭俱乐部
  • 上海原野射箭俱乐部
  • 广州战歌射箭馆
  • 穿云箭馆
  • 君悦射箭俱乐部
  • 杭州钱塘弓社
  • 沈阳威克特锐射箭馆
  • 大连金翼射箭俱乐部
  • 河北邢台兰博射箭俱乐部
  • 山西龙城射艺俱乐部
  • 常州青枫射箭中心
  • 山西超越射箭俱乐部
  • 上海悦友行射武俱乐部
  • 长沙百杨射箭俱乐部
  • 上海同学汇射箭馆
  • 上海一支箭射箭俱乐部
  • BEAS大师兄射箭俱乐部
  • 博越射箭俱乐部
  • 德州射箭运动协会
  • 哈尔滨兵蚁射箭馆
  • 上海市浦东新区射箭协会
  • 白羽射箭