Executive belief:
In order to enrich the APCC event system, encourage and support the local archery event, deepen the APCC event competition estimate system and build the quality competition platform. In the meantime, promote safe archery belief, comply with the self-discipline from APCC and build the safe orderly and fair platform.
Executive measure: (draft)
Ⅰ Qualification:
Hosting unit must be registration unit in APCC with independent legal personality, as well as appreciating the rules of APCC and carrying out the APCC self-discipline. The unit must have certain APCC members.
Ⅱ Hosting requirements
The unit shall equipment with physical circumstance to host the event, controllable fare and relative hosting staff.
1 field can be used in the period of competition, with safe room.
2 light-information equipment, standard target butt and target face.
3 target line, target plate, wind mark, score plate, anti-sun and rain equipment, score paper, and print equipment.
4 Judge check-equipment and competition dress.
Ⅲ Hosting process
1 Hosting unit shall hand in written application for hosting competition to APCC and state the competition and its system.
(hand in application paper, event organization structure draft, hosting plan, staff plan, the time for field use and the picture of field design)
2 APCC will estimate the data and assist in organizing for hosting unit.
3 APCC will certificate the standard hosting unit, promote the relative event through competition platform, encourage the member to participate and assist in it.
4 APCC will supervise the competition and come out the result.
5 After competition, the hosting unit hand in the competition picture, written report, order paper, result both paper and electronic to APCC. (Result paper needs the signature of the Judge and head recorder). The written paper will be used to promote the platform. The result will be recorded in APCC ranking system. Certificate the competition ranking using star seal and award the star seal.
6 APCC will estimate the hosting unit annually (competition scope, athletes and the result). Introduce the hosting experience, promote the good example through platform. Assist with excellent unit to arrange the work. What is more, it is possible to upgrade as APCC designated event.