2014 APCC The First Stage,the Archery Invitational Tournament of East China held in Hangzhou Xiasha Middle School in Zhejiang Province
2014 APCC The First Stage,the Archery Invitational Tournament of East China was held in Hangzhou Xiasha Middle School in Zhejiang Province on April 12-13 by Hangzhou Archery Center. It attracted 32 clubs and 152 athletes to come.![屏幕快照 2016-01-05 上午11.06.57](http://apccarchery.org.cn/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/b17c7283fdb7d88aa0636511d53f7be7.png)
Hangzhou Xiasha Middle School is an archery school, with the great passion to archery.
This match consists of recurve, compound and barebow invidual and team ranking event and elimination match. It competed over 9 medals within 2 days
It ended on April 13.
check the result: http://apccarchery.org.cn/index/2014/84.html